

Hello! I am a student at Princeton University pursuing a major in Molecular Biology with a certificate (minor) in Dance. I grew up and attended high school in New York City, balancing my academic work with science research and training in a pre-professional dance program. I tutored various levels of math as well as chemistry and biology throughout high school, including serving as a teaching assistant for a biology class my senior year. I am really passionate about helping other students understand topics that seem complicated or intimidating, as I’ve always found learning much easier and more interesting when I have a deeper understanding of the material! Outside of academics, I love to dance, and I also love horseback riding and spending time with animals!


Education: Princeton University
Undergrad Major: A.B. Molecular Biology
Other Degrees/Minors: Certificate in Dance

High School:

Awards & Honors: 2021 Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS) National Finalist, 3rd Place Award in Chemistry, and Poster Peer Review Award Winner; 2019 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) Finalist and 4th Place Grand Award Winner; 2021 US National Chemistry Olympiad (USNCO) National Exam Qualifier; 2x (2020, 2021) American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME) Qualifier; National Merit Scholarship Winner; Multiple Hunter College High School Awards Including: Elsbeth Kroeber Memorial Award for Outstanding Achievement in Biology, Emily Boggs Award for Outstanding Achievement in Chemistry, Mildred Dresselhaus Award for Distinguished Research in the Physical Sciences + Related Fields, Association of Teachers of Mathematics Award for Excellence and Enthusiasm in Study of Mathematics, Department Award for General Excellence in English, Officer Derrick Miles Memorial Award for Accomplishment in Education, Technology, or Public Health
Interests & Activities: Science Research (through lab internships, summer programs, and independent research performed at my high school); Ballet/Dance (21+ hours a week of training in a pre-professional, ballet focused program, multiple lead roles in performances); Horseback Riding (competitive equestrian athlete with multiple national equitation final qualifications including a win in 2021 NCEA Finals, also worked many hours at the barn weekend afternoons to offset costs)
SAT Scores: 790 Math, 790 Verbal
AP Exams: 5 Biology, 5 Chemistry
SAT Subject Tests: 800 Molecular Biology


Other Interests & Activities: I'm currently involved in Princeton University Ballet, eXpressions Dance Company, the Club Equestrian Team, and Matriculate.
Location: Princeton, NJ

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