

Hey, my name is Jayson and I'm from Allentown, Pennsylvania. I've tutored throughout high school and college, and I like it because I really enjoy being able to help other students reach goals that they've set for themselves. I feel most comfortable tutoring the basic sciences (biology, chemistry, etc.), test prep, and reading/writing. I'm interested in a career in medicine, and outside of school I'm passionate about sports, health, and nutrition. Excited to continue tutoring!


Education: Princeton University
Undergrad Major: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Other Degrees/Minors: Global Health & Health Policy

High School:

Class Rank: 1
Awards & Honors: AP Scholar w/ Distinction
Interests & Activities: Varsity Volleyball (Captain), Soccer, National Honor Society (Vice President), Class Office
SAT Scores: 770 Math, 670 Critical Reading, 640 Writing
AP Exams: 5 Calculus AB, 5 Calculus BC


Other Interests & Activities: Club Volleyball (Captain), Princeton Christian Fellowship, Hospital/Hospice/Shelter Volunteer, PFARS EMT
Location: Princeton University

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