I have five years of tutoring experience with a wide variety of students. In terms of age, my students have ranged from a second grader to a grown adult in his forties. Beyond a range of ages, I have worked with a diverse group of students; some had ADHD, while one did not speak English as his first language. My passion for teaching led me to teach at a camp in Beijing this past summer. I taught high-achieving middle and high school students and learned to manage a classroom with a larger group of students. I was in charge of developing the curriculum and drafting a textbook before arriving on site as well. My experience working with diverse group of students has taught me to be a flexible and patient tutor. This experience also further confirmed the importance of developing strong relationships with students and linking students' eventual goals to their current academic objectives.
On campus, I am an active member of the Daily Princetonian and Princeton Model United Nations Team. I am a senior opinions columnist for the "Prince," and I have both journalistic and administrative responsibilities. For Model UN, I both compete on the circuit and staff at conferences. I competed at CMUNNY and NYUMUNC last year and won best delegate at the latter. I staffed PMUNC and PICSim as director and crisis staffer, respectively. This year, I will be chairing PMUNC's Korean Reunification committee and I will also serve on the secretariat for PICSim as Director of Publications.