

In my years of learning from others, I have found that what sets a great teacher apart is their ability to make students truly understand a concept. A great teacher can lead students to find the reasons behind the solution, helping them far beyond a single question. It is with this understanding that I have strived to be the best teacher that I can. Starting my freshman year of high school, I volunteered to be a coach for my former middle school’s competitive math team. Each year, seeing students become more adept at math was extremely rewarding. In four years of coaching, the team has won two state championships and two state runner ups. My time teaching mathematics has resulted in some of my favorite memories of high school. I hope to continue to help students, through Princeton Tutoring, learn at a deeper and more lasting level.
In my free time, I enjoy playing pickup soccer and tennis. I also like playing cards, watching movies, and just hanging out with friends.


Education: Princeton University
Undergrad Major: BSE Computer Science

High School:

Awards & Honors: Author in Scientific Journal Publications, USA Mathematics Olympiad Qualifier, USA Physics Olympiad Bronze Medalist, National Merit Scholar, National AP Scholar, Kentucky High School Speech League Extemporaneous Speaking 3rd place, National History Day National Competition Qualifier, US Soccer Federation D License
Interests & Activities: Research at the University of Kentucky, Volunteer Middle School Math Team Coach, Volunteer Youth Soccer Team Assistant Coach, Volunteer High School Soccer Game Announcer, Speech and Debate Team, American Regional Mathematics League, National History Day, Math Club, Spanish Honor Society, Beta Club
SAT Scores: 800 Math, 770 Critical Reading
ACT Scores: 36 Composite, 36 English, 36 Math, 35 Reading, 35 Science
AP Exams: 5 Chemistry, 5 Computer Science A, 5 English Language & Comp, 5 Human Geography, 5 Calculus AB Subscore, 5 Calculus BC, 5 Physics C: Electricity & Magnet, 5 Physics C: Mechanics, 5 Physics 1, 5 Physics 2, 5 Spanish Language, 5 Statistics, 5 Government & Politics: U.S., 5 US History, 5 World History
SAT Subject Tests: 800 Math Level 2, 800 Physics


Other Interests & Activities: At Princeton, I'm involved in: Community House After School Enrichment Volunteering, Chinese Student Association, Math Club, Pickup Soccer Club
Location: Princeton University

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