

Hi! I’m Carolee, and I’m a Behavioral Ecologist by training, interested in the evolution of vertebrate behavior, and I have studied the behavior of American Crows for many years.

I’ve been teaching college-level biology for decades, and I’m really good at explaining things in words everyone understands. I’m a good writer, too, and could definitely help getting thoughts and ideas into well-written prose. I’m patient, kind and fun, with a lot of experience helping individuals maximize their natural capabilities!


Education: Fairleigh Dickinson University
Undergrad Major: B.S. in Marine Biology
Other Degrees/Minors: PhD in Biology, UCLA

High School:

Class Rank: Top 10
Interests & Activities: I played varsity volleyball, basketball, softball and field hockey, and I swam freestyle and breaststroke for the team at a county pool. I sang tenor in the chorus and was a Junior class officer. I also worked on the yearbook.


Other Awards: Graduated Magna Cum Laude with honors.
Other Interests & Activities: In college, I played field hockey and tennis, umpired intramural softball games, and refereed local high-school volleyball games. I sang tenor in chorus, got certified to scuba dive, and worked various jobs in the Biology Department!
Location: Princeton, NJ

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